VW Van Life – Romance to Reality

VW Van Life – Romance to Reality

Top tips for trading in your vintage treasure for something modern and reliable.  You’ll know when the time is right. Only do it when deep down you know it’s the right thing to do. I had eleven years with my Clive, my Danbury Bay T2 and never thought I’d be able...
Walk to London with Dick Whittington 

Walk to London with Dick Whittington 

Here’s a travel adventure with a difference. Many people walk the Thames Path from Gloucestershire to London but how about following the route that Dick Whittington took? In case anyone is in any doubt, Dick Whittington was real. He did walk to London and the fortune...
Tour De Gloucestershire

Tour De Gloucestershire

For cyclists everywhere, I have devised and ridden a route that can be done in a single day by elite athletes, in two days by pretty fit cyclists and divided into smaller chunks by everyone else. If I were to advertise this ride in a glossy magazine, this is how the...